A downloadable game

简介 Introduction





 Not lost too far is a 2D platform jumping game with two timelines.

Bin and Lina were childhood playmates. Lina died in an accident, and bin was bullied and ignored. One day, Lena's soul found bin, and bin decided to leave the village.

The first timeline shows that the bin was bullied in childhood and had to give up his courage and sincerity in order to leave the village. At the end of the journey, "Lina" helped bin with her own strength and failed to leave

In the second timeline, bin in order to find "Lina", find his courage and sincerity, resolve the nightmare of the villagers in his heart, and complete the healing process of self redemption

玩法 Gameplay



The first time line "bin" grasps the two qualities of sincerity and courage, which will give "bin" the ability to sprint and jump, retain or give up his own quality in the choice, find two keys and leave the place of life.

The second time line "bin" needs to find two qualities from the people corresponding to the previous level, and eliminate his childhood shadow on the villagers to reactivate his courage and sincerity, and finally rely on the ability of these two qualities to find "Lina" and complete self redemption.

操作 Control

AD  移动 move

SPACE 跳跃 jump

长按SPACE 超级跳(勇气的技能) super jump(courage ability)

E 对话交互 talk or interaction

Shift 朝鼠标方向冲刺(真诚的技能) dash to mouse(sincerity ability)

F 长按放弃勇气(需在梦魇附近) give up courage

G 长按放弃真诚(需在梦魇附近) give up sincerity


Gamj.zip 106 MB


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